
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1476 From: quelisto Date: 7/9/2011
Subject: Still no luck with the Kanalog baord
Well, I changed the axis & channel number assignments, and it still won't behave itself. Sure enough, the LED is not on that the charge pump is supposed to operate.

I am just not sure what else it could be...the Digital I/O shows that I no longer have i/o bits associated with JP7 (0-15) assigned as inputs or outputs in my program - they aren't messed with, period. That being said, I do see bits some what randomly being asserted on these i/o bits, and I'm assuming that comes from Kflop to Kanalog communication, but I don't know.

I did notice that even after I "let go" of certain i/o bits as outputs (they were reassinged elsewhere), the Digital i/o window continued to list them as outputs. I manually unchecked them and then they go away.

I've deleted all the old .out files made sure to save, recomplie, download, run, etc. to have a clean slate...and no luck.

So, is there anything else I might be missing? The Kflop itself seems to work fine (outputs off of JP4 work fine), it's jsut that the Kanalog just won't "wake up" top do anything.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 1478 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/9/2011
Subject: Re: Still no luck with the Kanalog baord
Hi Quelisto,
I would recommend simply going step-by-step to find what step cause the Kanalog LED to go off.
I'm not sure what you mean by "let go" but you don't really get a 2nd chance.  Once you configure a Step/Dir output it stays configured until you cycle power.
You should also start of without any User programs flashed so it starts from a known state.  If you have flashed programs or configurations you can remove them by using the Flash "New Version" button to re-flash the board.
Yes the high speed Kanalog communication through JP7 will cause the Digital IO screen to show bits toggling randomly.   This is normal.
I know the term "channel" is confusing and used in several different contexts.  There are "Axis Channels",  "Output Channel0",  "OutputChannnel1", "Input Channels" etc...  In your last post you mentioned not using Axis channels 0-3 helped.  That actually shouldn't matter what axis channel you are using.  What does matter is if any axis channel is configured to use Step/Dir and output channels 0-3 and then enabled.  This diagram may help with the concept:
I hope this helps.

--- On Sat, 7/9/11, quelisto <quelisto@...> wrote:

From: quelisto <quelisto@...>
Subject: [DynoMotion] Still no luck with the Kanalog baord
To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, July 9, 2011, 1:21 PM

Well, I changed the axis & channel number assignments, and it still won't behave itself. Sure enough, the LED is not on that the charge pump is supposed to operate.

I am just not sure what else it could be...the Digital I/O shows that I no longer have i/o bits associated with JP7 (0-15) assigned as inputs or outputs in my program - they aren't messed with, period. That being said, I do see bits some what randomly being asserted on these i/o bits, and I'm assuming that comes from Kflop to Kanalog communication, but I don't know.

I did notice that even after I "let go" of certain i/o bits as outputs (they were reassinged elsewhere), the Digital i/o window continued to list them as outputs. I manually unchecked them and then they go away.

I've deleted all the old .out files made sure to save, recomplie, download, run, etc. to have a clean slate...and no luck.

So, is there anything else I might be missing? The Kflop itself seems to work fine (outputs off of JP4 work fine), it's jsut that the Kanalog just won't "wake up" top do anything.